Predictive Dialer

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Predictive Dialer At-Home Agent Setup Guide

Setting up a remote agent's computer normally involves configuring your server's internet and firewall setting. The settings must allow the Voicent Gateway on your server to communicate with the at-home agent on your remote computer through the open internet. The server computer and the agent's computer need to be connected in order to exchange calling information.

In setting up your at-home agent, most configuration will not involve your Voicent software. Because your computer's Internet connection and firewall is set by your ISP or company IT department, you should contact them if you run into setup trouble. The following are some key settings:

Make sure the RemoteAgent software can access the gateway server on a Local Area Network (LAN). A LAN is a set of computers connected to the same networking router. Once it is working from the LAN, then you know that the gateway is working and can be accessed from other computers.

The router setup. The router usually has two IP addresses. One IP address for internal access, referred to as Local Area Network (LAN) address. The other IP address is for outside access, referred to as Wide Area Network (WAN) address. The WAN IP address is used to connect to the outside internet. This is the address you need to know. For example, if you have Voicent Gateway running in the office and your office has a router for internet connection, in order to access the server computer from home, you must know the WAN IP address of your router.

You can get LAN IP address and WAN IP address from your Internet Service Provider(ISP). Specifically, get the IP address you can use in order to access your router from outside.

You need to re-direct the router traffic for port 8155 (gateway port) and port 8165 (agent port) to the server computer. You need to set it up for your router. Once set, any new connection to these two ports will be routed to the correct computer. When you call your router company for help, simply ask them how to set up the router so you can access an application that listens on port 8155 and 8165.

Use a web browser to test the connection first. Open a web browser from the remote computer (the computer on which you are going to run Remote Agent), and type in the following:


where the ip_address is the one you get in the previous step. If it is working, you should see the browser shows “[OK]”

If it does not work, go back to step 2 and 3. You can also contact your ISP or router provider for help.

Open RemoteAgent software and specify the dialing computer's IP address, which is the IP address you get in the previous step.

Now you should be able to login to the dialing computer.

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