Long Code

Long Code

SMS long codes refer to a standard 10-digit dedicated phone number that is tied to an area code and that enables a business to receive SMS text messages, voice and fax from anywhere in the world. Unlike short codes, which are generally shared across many brands, long codes allow businesses to have their own dedicated phone number to receive and transmit SMS text messages. These long codes are meant for person-to-person communication that is when a person interacts with another person similar to the way cellphone texting plans operate. A long code is a simple alternative to using your personal mobile number which allows you to seamlessly send and receive messages. They are the quickest and cheapest dedicated number solution. Messages to a long code are usually treated as a standard SMS for the end user, making them widely used in a number of different mobile messaging campaigns. Some SMS providers have distinct arrangements with the major mobile carriers around the world to send two-way SMS traffic. These SMS gateway providers, also known as aggregators, will send and receive SMS traffic to and from the mobile phone networks' SMS centers, or SMSCs, which are responsible for relaying those messages to the intended mobile phone. The aggregators then receive feedback from the SMSC as to the status of the delivery of that message. This relationship between the aggregator and SMSC allows for the transmission and reception of a large number of SMS messages to and from a long code.

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