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Configure Broadvoice VoIP Service with Voicent

Step 1: Setup Broadvoice Account & Gather SIP Information
To start, you need to purchase a Broadvoice service to configure with Voicent’s platform. You can do so here. Once you have an account you should obtain access to your SIP credentials.

Step 2: Configure Broadvoice with Voicent’s Platform
To configure Broadvoice VoIP service with Voicent software, enter the SIP credentials as followed. Also make sure to replace the SIP ID and username with your provided information. To add new SIP credentials, open the Voicent’s Software > Setup > Options > SIP > Add.

Fill in the information based on the data you gathered from Step 1:
Display Name: The name you want to display in the account
SIP ID/User ID: This is your Broadvoice SIP/Authorization ID
Domain: This is your Broadvoice Registrar information
Authorization User: This is your Broadvoice SIP/Authorization ID
Password: This is your Broadvoice SIP Password (not your account password!)

I’ll use the following SIP credentials(found in the image above):
Display Name: My Name
SIP ID/User ID: 3230000000
Authorization User: 3230000000
Password: Your SIP password

Equally important: DO NOT set a stun server. Just leave the field blank even the Voicent App may warn you about an empty stun server.

Other Relevant Settings:
Codec used: PCMU

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